Trip Around the Sun

December 31, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

My year in review.  I had some incredible ‘pinch me’ experiences.  I had some unbelievable ‘what the fuck’ disappointments.  At times, the stars, planets and the sun aligned during 2016.  Serendipity often found me.  Other times, it was just my turn and in early November I found myself the ‘odd man out’, literally. 

However, none of my close friends or immediate family members died during the past 12 months.  Nobody in that same circle was given an irreversible and terminal diagnosis.  Tallying up my own personal box score, I had a very good year.   I had a number of close friends that were not so blessed.  They cannot wait for this cursed year to end.  They desperately seek redemption and a ‘new slate’ in 2017.

My wife and I did what married couples do with little fanfare.  We rejoiced in our private moments of joy and worked together to face our public challenges.  I watched from the sidelines as my daughter continued to grow and learn how the world around her works.  She continues to amaze and inspire me.  And yeah, my wifey ain’t too bad either!  I’m undefeated (two and oh) in that game.  Big W.

In other arenas, I continued to grow, stretch and risk.   The result was small victories moving my photography and journalism businesses forward setting up my encore career; Scott 2.0.  In particular, with regard to my writing I made some noticeable accomplishments this past year.  Fake it, until you make it…huh, Lauren?

The funny thing about doing something for the first time and having some initial success, you suddenly think, “Why didn’t I do this earlier?”  However, the other side of that coin is “Well, at least I finally started doing something that I previously only dreamed about and additional years were not lost.”   

So rather than dwell on lost months or lost years of inaction, today I’m celebrating my many 2016 accomplishments.  I’m setting goals for 2017.  Time to raise the bar.  Time to get on with this thing!  I mean heck, I’m turning “55” in two weeks.

December always forces me to stop and take stock of where I’m at on that number timeline ‘thing’ from our grade school days.  The confluence of the following annual events; end of the year, my early January birthday and my looming accounting ‘busy season’ are for me a welcome and necessary - Wake Up Call.    

A life lived is a rare exception.  Be that rare exception. 

Be that vision of that best person, that potential reached person, that Super Hero that inhabits your mind just before you drift off to the cosmos each night. 

I don’t believe in resolutions, but I do believe in working hard and smart to be a better me.

Own your life and make the next 12 months count.

Hopefully, I’ll live long enough to do just that as well as be able to post a golf score that equals ‘my age’.  In that order….

Experiences over Stuff

December 31, 2016

Photo: Dad & Daughter high above Palm Springs, California, October 2016

Yes, I'll make a resolution
That I'll never make another one
Just enjoy this ride on my trip around the sun
Just enjoy this ride...
Until it's done

“Trip Around the Sun” ~ Jimmy Buffett


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